Thursday, January 14

Ari and Rem

We are having such a great time with our little ones!! Ari is such a great sleeper!! She has been sleeping about 5 hours for her first stretch of the night and eats every 2-3 hours after that. She is amazing! She is happy and alert when she is awake and loves to eat! She is gaining weight fast, at her 1month checkup she was 9lbs 15oz - 3 lbs more than when she was born... and most of it is in her chin and cheeks! Remy is an amazing big brother, holding her and kissing her constantly throughout the day! He has taken on my childhood nickname 'constant comment' and is a very talented speaker already! Most of his day is spent in negotiations! He will be great in speech and debate when he gets into school!! We are very blessed to have two wonderful kiddos!

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