Monday, November 30

9 months and waiting...

Here I am at 9 months. The waiting is so difficult. I have been having contractions on and off this week - 39 weeks. They set an induction date for December 8th if she doesn't introduce herself by then. I hope she comes out tonight though!! We are all ready for you Ari!!

Tuesday, November 3

Halloween and 8 month photo

We had a great time trick or treating this year. Three is such a fun age for activities like that! The weather was great and we met up with a few other families and enjoyed the long walk and the kids' bright eyes!

I am still enjoying my pregnancy, not too uncomfortable but I am starting to get a tiny bit anxious for her arrival! She seems to still have enough room to move around A LOT! She is head down now so hopefully she stays that way until delivery! Remy is definitely going through the adjustment already. He always snuggles her and sings to her but then 10 minutes later he is pretending to be a baby himself and wants to be babied by Edward and I. I suspect it is just the beginning of things to come:)