Monday, July 20

Fun in the sun! Our weekend

For some reason I cannot adjust the order of these pictures so it may seem a bit jumbled!! Edward had a softball tourney on Vaschon Island this weekend so on Saturday, Edgar, Ranelle, Darrien, Remy and I took the ferry over to watch him. We saw these deer near Vaschon High School:) The Strawberry Festival was underway so it was very very very busy on the island!

Darrien and Remy had a great time out on the ferry deck!

Darrien and Edgar stayed up with Edward for the Sunday games while Ranelle, Remy and I headed home. On Sunday afternoon we went to the park and to the pool to enjoy the sunny day!

Edward sent this from his phone on his ferry home Sunday evening! You can see Mt Rainier... if you have good eyesight!!

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