Wednesday, December 16

Arianna Naleigh

Horray for Arianna's arrival!!! Arianna Naleigh Garcia was born on December 8th at 6:48pm. She weighed 6lbs 14.8oz and was 19in long. She is a great eater, a fabulous sleeper and is so happy when she is awake. Big brother Rem is totally in love with her and so happy to finally have her on the outside of momma's tummy!!

Monday, November 30

9 months and waiting...

Here I am at 9 months. The waiting is so difficult. I have been having contractions on and off this week - 39 weeks. They set an induction date for December 8th if she doesn't introduce herself by then. I hope she comes out tonight though!! We are all ready for you Ari!!

Tuesday, November 3

Halloween and 8 month photo

We had a great time trick or treating this year. Three is such a fun age for activities like that! The weather was great and we met up with a few other families and enjoyed the long walk and the kids' bright eyes!

I am still enjoying my pregnancy, not too uncomfortable but I am starting to get a tiny bit anxious for her arrival! She seems to still have enough room to move around A LOT! She is head down now so hopefully she stays that way until delivery! Remy is definitely going through the adjustment already. He always snuggles her and sings to her but then 10 minutes later he is pretending to be a baby himself and wants to be babied by Edward and I. I suspect it is just the beginning of things to come:)

Wednesday, September 30

7 month picture

Here I am at 7 months, Ari is still laying transverse (sideways) but my new doctor, Dr Metcalf (Dr Snyder retired) says it is okay as long as she turns by 36 weeks. We will see if she decides to cooperate.

Tuesday, September 22


We had such a great day today! Edward was off golfing early and Alicia brought Jaylen over for a visit. After that we headed to our doctor appointment with Edward but the dr was off to deliver a baby so we... went to the park! We went to Dashpoint Park and played near the water! How fun!!
Jaylen 2 weeks

Wednesday, September 16

Swim classes

Remy is taking swim classes at the aquatic center, he has had 3 classes and is warming up well. The first class he cried when the instructor looked at him, now he calls his name to look at what he is doing! He and fellow swimmer, Stella, are the only ones in this class but Stella is the only on that will let instructor Jason help her. Remy then mimics her actions and learns that way. Either way he is getting better every class! And the experience of taking a class is great for him!

Welcome Oliver

Nikki and Ryan Mclaughlin welcomed their first child,
Oliver Ryan Mclaughlin,
born on August 24th and weighed in at 6lbs 7oz!! Congrats!

Monday, September 14

Our growing family

Here I am at 6 months!

6 months

Here I am at 6months. I am almost 29 weeks now and enjoying everyone else's babies!

Welcome Jaylen!!

Edgar and Alicia welcomed their son, Jaylen Devonne Garcia on September 8th at 8:52am. He weighed 8lbs 5oz and was 21.5in. He is so beautiful!!!

Saturday, August 1

Riley and Samantha's Birthday Parties

On Saturday the 25th, we celebrated Riley's 5th birthday and Samantha's 8th birthday. I have more pictures but I am having difficulties right now so here are a few!!

Remy and Jadrienne above and Remy with Ranelle below.

Friday, July 31

Bare bones

I have been slowly adding Ari's furniture to Remy's room and trying to make it gender nuetral. So here are the bare bones of the room now. I am thinking, brown blankets on their beds and after that I will start to accent the room with a little more fun! Maybe thier names above their beds... it is a work in progress but here is what I have so far!

Making progress! 5 months now

Here I am over the last 3 months, I am certainly starting to grow a belly and Ari is kicking all of the time!! The 100+ degree weather as of late has been very uncomfortable for all of us but it will be nice that when I am really big, it will be fall/winter! I began feeling Arianna move at 17 weeks, earlier than with Rem by 3 weeks. Edward has also felt her and seen her kick through my clothes! I am feeling really good, I do get lower back pain but that is not uncommon for me, pregnant or not ;) Remy continues to sing songs to her and put his toys on my stomach to 'share' with her! We are all so excited for her to grow bigger and come out to join us.
4 months
3 months

Monday, July 20

Fun in the sun! Our weekend

For some reason I cannot adjust the order of these pictures so it may seem a bit jumbled!! Edward had a softball tourney on Vaschon Island this weekend so on Saturday, Edgar, Ranelle, Darrien, Remy and I took the ferry over to watch him. We saw these deer near Vaschon High School:) The Strawberry Festival was underway so it was very very very busy on the island!

Darrien and Remy had a great time out on the ferry deck!

Darrien and Edgar stayed up with Edward for the Sunday games while Ranelle, Remy and I headed home. On Sunday afternoon we went to the park and to the pool to enjoy the sunny day!

Edward sent this from his phone on his ferry home Sunday evening! You can see Mt Rainier... if you have good eyesight!!

Tuesday, July 14

It's a girl!

We just found out yesterday that we are having a baby girl!! She was extremely uncooperative during the ultrasound so we did not get very good profile pictures but it was such a treat to see her!!

Friday, July 3

Baby Sylenne

This year, Edward and his two brothers will all be having a baby!! The first one born was to Edward's oldest brother Joey and his wife Ruth. Little Sylenne was born on June 18th! (the day before Rem's birthday!!) She is sooo beautiful!! Here are all of the brothers together at the hospital!