Wednesday, September 27

Remy - getting big

Remy at 4 1/2 months
Remy at 3 1/2months
Remy at 3 months
Remy at 2 months Remy at 3 weeks

Bear with me please, I want to get everyone up to date on pictures so I am including quite a few here. God has truly blessed us with Remy!! Just looking at his sweet face puts everything into perspective. And he is growing so fast!! He has started to teeth and has his fists in his mouth at all times. He is constantly smiling and now talks - in his own language of course!! He loves to hang out at Daddy's basketball games and watch Daddy and Mommy play softball- he just gets passed around the crowd and loves it. His hair grows really fast and is a massive pile on the top of his head, most of the time it is slicked into a faux-hawk. He loves to stand up on our lap and has really strong legs. Since we have a hard time putting him down, his 15 minutes of tummy time per day has not resulted in him rolling over. We figure he might just start walking one of these days and skip the rolling over or crawling!! We are enjoying every minute of our lives with him.

Sunday, July 9

Remington Shae Garcia

Praise the Lord!! Here is our son!!! Remington "Remy" Shae Garcia was born on June 19th at 10:35pm. He weighed 7lbs 13 oz and was 19.5 inches long. He is so precious and has a full head of dark hair. We are enjoying every minute with him!

Monday, May 8

8 month picture

Here is my 8 month picture and a picture from our baby moon last weekend at the Ocean. We went to Ocean Shores and had a wonderful time walking the beach, relaxing at the hotel and eating out!! I am starting to notice more difficulty when tying my shoes- but other than that things are still going great. I am getting a little anxious to see his beautiful face though! I can hardly wait for next month to come. It is incredible how much he still moves around in there, my stomach often takes on odd shapes as he twists and turns. Every time my stomach contracts, he feels the tightness and kicks at the same time because it is squishing him! It makes for an enjoyable couple of minutes!!!! Well- only one more monthly picture and then we will post a picture of REMY!!

Saturday, April 8

7 month picture

Here I am at 7mths. Edward can now feel Remy all the time. Oh yeah, his name: Remington Shae Garcia, Remy for short. For those who don't know, we moved last weekend and now have a room to bring him home to. We are slowly beginning to decorate it in various colors of blue. Edward and I have been taking about 3 walks a week, between 3-4 miles each. I am still feeling great.

Tuesday, March 7

6 month picture

Here I am with a rapidly growing belly!!! My little man is keeping busy in there- growing and moving! I am starting to get a bit more hungry but otherwise I am feeling normal. My belly does get in the way sometimes when I am trying to bend over! I am loving my yoga class and I am looking into water aerobics also. Edward makes sure to talk to our little guy and I can feel him respond but most of the movements are sparatic and Edward hasn't been able to feel him move. I am sure he will be able to soon though! We are starting to do a little bit of preparing. I started our registry and have begun designing the nursery. We are getting closer to selecting a name but I will keep you all guessing for right now! I will write more soon!!

Thursday, February 16

Baby Pictures

Here is what you have all been waiting for!!!! Pictures of our little one. These pictures are from 20 weeks. Now we are at 22 weeks so he has already grown a bunch! He is a such a mover- these are within moments of eachother and he is completely turned over. I can also feel him now!! It has been one week that I have been certain that what I am feeling is him.

Tuesday, February 7

5 month picture

Here is our 5 month picture!!!! Our ultrasound says baby boy is right on schedule with his measurements. He is about 10 or 11 inches right now and starting to put on a bit more weight, probably around 11 oz. As soon as my little sister's teach me how to use the scanner, I will put the newest ultrasound pictures on here. Oh- man he is soooooo cute!!!!! I can't wait for you all to see him! This 2nd trimester is a blast, I feel great and other than a rapidly growing belly, I don't feel pregnant at all. I still haven't felt him move but from the ultrasounds- we know he is quite the mover! Stay tuned for the ultrasound pictures....

Tuesday, January 24


We haven't had a chance to get a hold of everyone yet but I am going to spill the beans here and now. We are having a baby boy!!! We had a quick ultrasound yesterday and we have a few pictures- very obvious- that I will post this weekend when I can scan them. We do have our actual scheduled ultrasound on Feb 8th and we will have even better pictures... so keep checking!!!

Saturday, January 7

4 month picture

Here is a picture of the growing belly, 4 months now! I will try to take a picture each month.

Thursday, January 5

BOY or GIRL, we will know soon!

We have learned that at the end of this month we will have the ultrasound to determine the sex of the baby!!!!! Pregnancy seems uneventful at this stage, I feel totally normal (with the exception of a sore lower back). And aside from a growing belly there are no other indications that something is going on in there. I am excited to feel the baby move- soon! It is nice to be able to do housework, have energy, and not gag at the smell or sight of everything! I will have Edward take a picture of the growing belly to post this week. We will post better pictures from the next ultrasound at the end of the month!!!!